Barclays Bank Pay

We currently accept sterling cheques or bank transfers – payment for online transactions via Barclays Bank Pay or funds already on account.

Barclays Bank Pay (Open Banking) is a simple and secure way to pay online direct from the customers bank account. You are not required to bank with Barclays to use this service. Bank Pay lets you pay straight from your bank account instead of using card details when making a purchase. Customers authorise the payment from any participating bank's app or online banking service.

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Please note the policy for payment limits will change depending on your bank.

Royal Bank of Scotland, Natwest, Ulster Bank (Northern Ireland) and Natwest International have limits (£5,000) for the amount of money that can be transferred using the Open Banking service in a single day. Banks other than those mentioned may have a limit, we advise customers to call their bank and request an increase to their daily limit.

We will provide you with our company bank account number and sort code at the time of ordering.

We can only receive funds from a bank account in the same name as the purchase is made – we do not accept third party payments.

We will provide you with our company bank account number and sort code at the time of ordering.

We can only receive funds from a bank account in the same name as the purchase is made – we do not accept third party payments.

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